
Clinical Supervision

I am a qualified and experienced supervisor. I completed my Certificate in Supervision in 2010 with the Centre for Supervision & Team Development.

I provide individual and group (maximum 6 people) clinical supervision to qualified counsellors and psychotherapist. I also provide reflective supervision to a wide range of other professionals. Past clients have included social workers, psychologists, mental health nurses, managers of small/ medium size organisations.

I keep brief notes of supervision sessions. GDPR requirements apply and are adhered to.

I think the aim of supervision is to provide you with a confidential opportunity to explore practice issues safely. The nature of the issues explored reflects the role of the supervisee. For example, a counsellor or psychotherapist might want to discuss work with clients, their thinking about the work they do, their self-care or continuing professional development. They will also need to ensure they have adequate supervision (e.g. frequency) to enable them to satisfy clinical supervision requirements as set out by their regulatory body (e.g. BACP or UKCP). Whilst a manager in a small to medium sized charity might want to explore their work with colleagues to support the delivery of high-quality services. If a service is regulated by an external body (e.g. OFSTED or CQC) there is an expectation that staff have regular supervision to support them in their role as competent providers of services.

Effective supervision supports good working relationships, provides opportunities to celebrate achievements and think about issues that may need to be addressed. As an independent supervisor, I am not responsible for the supervisee’s job performance or for the number or types of cases accepted or assigned to him/her or for any other aspects of his/her practice or (where applicable) training requirements. I hope that I can provide a supportive and challenging relationship which offers opportunities for learning, growth and where appropriate problem solving. At the heart, for me, is the relationship between supervisor and supervisee working together to see beyond the surface (what might be immediately apparent) so that “hidden” aspects or aspects in the process of “becoming” (on the edge of awareness or out of awareness) in the work can emerge (become more visible or known).

Supervision Fees

I offer regular monthly clinical supervision via Zoom, with a minimum of one hour per month. Concessions are available for charities.

In addition to ongoing supervision, I also provide one-off clinical supervision sessions. These are ideal for psychotherapists, counsellors, and other professionals working with adults who need to discuss a specific client or issue.

50-minute consultation: £70

90-minute consultation: £120

Examples of One-Off Supervision Topics

  • Managers of small to medium organisations (e.g. charities) working with challenging inter-personal dynamics or organisational blocks.
  • Work with people who have experienced sexual violence.
  • People in early recovery (adapting) following addiction to drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Those experiencing complex grief.

Get in touch

You can contact me by email through this contact form. I am the only person that has access to my emails.

When you contact me, please let me know your name and provide a telephone number which you are happy for me to use to contact you (e.g. if we have technical issues).

I usually reply within 48 hours (weekdays) unless I am away. If I am away, you won’t receive a response to your email until I am back at work.

If you contact me and leave an email, I will assume it is ok to get back to you. If you don’t want me to reply to your email or ring you back (e.g. if I need to use your phone number in a remote session due to tech issues), please tell me. If this is the case, I will wait for you to re-contact me.

Please remember – these contact methods are not secure. This means we cannot guarantee complete confidentiality. I therefore suggest it is best not to write or discuss personal or sensitive information in an email.

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